Need some advice


New Member
I know this was asked so bloody often, but I need some advice on a car (for in 3 years or so). And YES, I am 16 but I already want to plan as much as possible to get these things straight. The problem here in germany is the tax system for cars, basically it's like this: big motor/cube capacity = high taxes (especially for beginners). Since I don't want to live in my car I need something that has "fire" with as most stock parts as possible. Anything besides maybe a S13 (altough I like those folding headlights a lot) or a E36? Thanks guys :thumbs:
Don't get too hung up on any particular type of car. Buying a car doesn't take very long, chances are someone could look for, find, buy AND pick up a car off of here or whatever similar local forum tomorrow in some cases. :cool:

The internet is a crazy thing because you can also vicariously learn about strengths and weaknesses of various cars, where is the rust?, what just went pop!? how did they fix x y and z problems? What to mod first and how to procure parts as cheaply as possible and what the going rate for various bits is...If you have enough of a compulsion to do some searching and dig up some old threads (perhaps do not post on them though!) as well as following what goes on in build threads and mechanical sections you'll eventually be better equipped to spot a good car when the day finally arrives. More importantly you'll be better able to spot what we brits sometimes refer to as 'a lemon'.

Nothing worse than buying a car with problems you didn't know about which could have easily been spotted with some research.

Welcome aboard anyhow :thumbs: