Well the names Niall. I own a few cars, continually improving and building at them.
Recently bought a drift project to start off with this sliding malarky. Anyway here's a few pics of what I've got...
Nissan Pulsar Vzr N1 - Version 1
(currently under the knife)
Sr20ve engine
M factory final drive
Nismo clutch
fidanza fly
chipped Powerland ecu
& a heap of other tasty bits.
240bhp with a standard bore exhaust & standard intake.
1983 Toyota Levin
20v silvertop running open trumpets.
Link Atom Ecu
carbon bonnet
Lightened fly
Mazda Rx7 front 4pots
Fujitsubo legalis exhaust
Fujitsubo exhaust manifold
Grex thermostatic oil cooler
HKS oil relocation kit
Greddy coilovers
lots of chassis bracing
Recaro Confettis
Nardi wheel & nrg snap off kit
Half cage and loads more...
185bhp rev limit at 8600rpm
Drift car project...
84 Toyota Levin
Bc Coilovers
Sr20de s13 engine
Full MFR kit
Full GRP4 adjustable arm setup.
Vented fibreglass wings....
Still gathering parts for this build but not starting till later this year.
Any info/advice/hate/comments welcome!
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Recently bought a drift project to start off with this sliding malarky. Anyway here's a few pics of what I've got...
Nissan Pulsar Vzr N1 - Version 1
(currently under the knife)
Sr20ve engine
M factory final drive
Nismo clutch
fidanza fly
chipped Powerland ecu
& a heap of other tasty bits.
240bhp with a standard bore exhaust & standard intake.
1983 Toyota Levin
20v silvertop running open trumpets.
Link Atom Ecu
carbon bonnet
Lightened fly
Mazda Rx7 front 4pots
Fujitsubo legalis exhaust
Fujitsubo exhaust manifold
Grex thermostatic oil cooler
HKS oil relocation kit
Greddy coilovers
lots of chassis bracing
Recaro Confettis
Nardi wheel & nrg snap off kit
Half cage and loads more...
185bhp rev limit at 8600rpm
Drift car project...
84 Toyota Levin
Bc Coilovers
Sr20de s13 engine
Full MFR kit
Full GRP4 adjustable arm setup.
Vented fibreglass wings....
Still gathering parts for this build but not starting till later this year.
Any info/advice/hate/comments welcome!
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk