Not so new, newbie.


Active Member
Hi guys.:wave:

Been on here for a couple of years owning various 6/4 pot E36's and E46's. I took a notion to drifing a few years back but never really got it off the ground and personal circumstances meant it was too expensive a hobby for me to have a good go at it.

Anyway I've been looking into JZX's over the past 6/7 months as a summer/weekend toy so thought I'd get back involved on here.

Currently driving Corsa D (Not Ltd Edition):euge: as it's muchos cheapness for a daily.
Funnily enough I already follow you guys on Facebook. Still weighing up the pros and cons of importing one and buying a car already landed and registered. I've got Vegas in June so after that I'll be redirecting the funds accordingly.

The corsa isn't so bad. My daily commute is an 8 miles round trip. Zero f*nny magnet though so swings and roundabouts I guess...