Yes, that would be exactly right We've already accounted for the bump steer correction with our knuckles though, so haven't included that aspect in these spacers.could these also help prevent bumpsteer if the mounting hole was moved up as well as over so as to move the tie rod mount up. so that the tie rod is closer to its std relationship with the lower arm, for lowered cars, or has that already been incorporated into this product?
could these also help prevent bumpsteer if the mounting hole was moved up as well as over so as to move the tie rod mount up. so that the tie rod is closer to its std relationship with the lower arm, for lowered cars, or has that already been incorporated into this product?
I think you start getting close to hitting the rack heatsheilds if you move up? I adjusted the bump steer at the hub/knuckle end. To reduce the bump steer when lowered its quite a large adjustment, don't think there would be space rack end?
can you move sterring rack AND fit geo knuckles/ offset spacers??
Im about to delve into s-body lock mods for the first time since 2008 with my s14 lol and i want my PS13 to have maximum abilitys so i jsut have to learn its characteristics..
could i get polo-spec rack movement from SB automotive, then fit all this gubbins for Calvert/bon/phil/mitto/clarky/calvert(worth mentioning twice ) spec uber lock?