

Active Member
Hi I already have a mocal oilcooler with hoses, have it in the wing i will mount it in behind the intercooler instead (dont ask me why)

How much for a oilthermostat you got and 2really short hoses to go from cooler to the thermostat ?

Can i use my existing braided hoses to the thermostat and then to 200mm short hoses (the one you make) to the cooler ?
Ask if u dont understand...this simple things is easy to get confused since i am typing :D

regards andre

Hi Andre,
I understand what you mean, but can you tell us which sandwich plate you have please?
The most commonly sold type of Mocal sandwich plates have thermostats fitted already, so there's a good chance you already have thermostat fitted
yes i have the mocalone with a takeoff....without thermostat
long time since i orderd from bren he had 2choices 1 thermostat and 1 takeoff one, i took the takeoff so i have to fight to keep tempratures above 80C when i drive on the streets i dont like blasting 70C (158F)

My friend is thinking of buying your other oilcooler with relocation kit, are they mocal ? is the hooses so long u can mount the oilcooler between the ic and waterradiator ? do they come with fittingkit ?
ahh ok, you have a mocal sandwich plate with a gauge takeoff instead of a thermostat, now I'm with you :)
The thermostat we have listed in the shop is the larger dash10 fitting which fits our new remote filter kits, but we do also have a couple of the 1/2 BSP fitting thermostats which will fit into most of the mocal kits people use. All you need to fit this is 2 small hoses with 1/2bsp connectors on each end. You can either get these made up locally or we can get these made nect time we place an order if you like?

The oil cooler with relocation kits we sell are imported from the far east and are the same as some of the top Jap brands. They are a universal kit with fairly long hoses and will let you fit the cooler round the front between the IC and rad like you want :nod:
what is the estimated price on the 1/2bsp fitting thermostats and 2small hoses ?

My friend really wants your expensive oilcooler aswell (not the setrab) do you have them in stock ?

just tell me the price and i we can get the money and pay you guys.