From the recent search I've done and old information gathered, I still have a few specific question regarding making my car lighter by using plexiglass.
First thing and most imporatantly, I want to know if I replace all my windows apart from the front windscreen/windshield would the car pass MOT? If not how about just all 3 rear windows (current plan as I'll keep with the excuse that no passangers are riding in the back?!
And this brings me to what type of plastic to use as a daily driver. I like to use Polycarbonate as I understood it's the strongest piece, no need to handle it carefully, you can driver over it and it won't brake, it will never shatter in an accident, it costs the same as perspex, but it has a weak point which is scratching. I live in a area where there is a lot of small streets with hedges I always hit when passing another vehicle and I'm worried that when it gets scratched I can't bring it back to high visibility. Can I have some feedback from a guy who had them already fitted? Are they really that bad?
If this is the case then the other option is Perspex, which from what I read it can shatter (not worried about that) but if I wash it with a specific solvent the scratches disappear.
As for fitting I never though about it yet. My plan was to get this done on a tramp drift budget meaning, buy a whole sheet of 3000x1000mm, cut to size (roughly), rivet trough the metal and add some silicone so I don't get wet. This will be just like my sunroof I'm preparing to get drilled.
Other method I heard was order it from a proper supplier cut to size and fit it in the rubber gap as the original glass. Possibly more expensive?
What do you guys suggest I do?
First thing and most imporatantly, I want to know if I replace all my windows apart from the front windscreen/windshield would the car pass MOT? If not how about just all 3 rear windows (current plan as I'll keep with the excuse that no passangers are riding in the back?!
And this brings me to what type of plastic to use as a daily driver. I like to use Polycarbonate as I understood it's the strongest piece, no need to handle it carefully, you can driver over it and it won't brake, it will never shatter in an accident, it costs the same as perspex, but it has a weak point which is scratching. I live in a area where there is a lot of small streets with hedges I always hit when passing another vehicle and I'm worried that when it gets scratched I can't bring it back to high visibility. Can I have some feedback from a guy who had them already fitted? Are they really that bad?
If this is the case then the other option is Perspex, which from what I read it can shatter (not worried about that) but if I wash it with a specific solvent the scratches disappear.
As for fitting I never though about it yet. My plan was to get this done on a tramp drift budget meaning, buy a whole sheet of 3000x1000mm, cut to size (roughly), rivet trough the metal and add some silicone so I don't get wet. This will be just like my sunroof I'm preparing to get drilled.
Other method I heard was order it from a proper supplier cut to size and fit it in the rubber gap as the original glass. Possibly more expensive?
What do you guys suggest I do?