these had a floating back wheel so it handles a bit like a rwd thats why there so fun! and even if there french better than most hatches real drivers car!
I know its not an auto but I've got a Rover 25 you can have for £500. Its a 1.4 and is bloody easy to drive
- Red
- lowered
- Aftermarket alloys fitted (they look good) two new rear tyres fitted not long ago)
- new centre exhaust
- MG ZR rear Spolier on the back
- Done about 105k ish.
- i have rage loudish exhaust you can have if you want, abit scruffy but its not on the car atm. A standard item is.
- Cambelt done about about 65k
- Brakes have plenty of life in them as they were done about year ago.
- powersteering
Dont have a pic on me atm but if your interested let me know. and ill get one to you
Up she comes, been out and about in it today, i really don't want to sell this as it surprises me all the time, but the R32 is a money grabbing whore and it's emptied my wallet again!
was out with chunk yesterdy in this car its awesome.........I had not got bady number 2 on the way and needed I for door I would buy it.........COME ON PEEPS YOUR MISSING A BARGIN