Pop in


Active Member
Hi guys..
just wondering, is it possible to pop in and have a chat about suspension components etc for my 32?
get it all then and some advice along with it?
well, i want to talk about different setups...very interested int he conversion they did on the 32 :)
haha....im sure, if i was to arrive with cake, as i do with chunk, it will appease them enough...and in between mouthfulls of cake, they will divulge delicate setup information...lol
a cunning plan!
Yep, we are pretty busy at the moment.

You're welcome to collect bits, but we've got no real facilities for customers at the moment!! Drop me an email/call tomorrow morning :)
ok i will do the e-mail thing laters :)
cheers guys!

Nick, you worked out my secret code! only taken someone 4yrs to do it :)