Protecting Paint/Tidy car from Delamination Damage


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

Please, feel free to bombard me with "LOL LIFESTYLER HOMO" etc but I have a question that I've been pondering for a wee while.

Scenario: Dude has tidy Daily that he wants to enjoy drifting occasionally. Being a non pro driver, he isn't going to have a brand new set of tyres for 2 drift sessions so will be using "old supplies" (part worns etc much like most people).
HOWEVER, Dude wants to keep his tidy daily tidy and is a little tentative of delamination f*cking his sh*t up so...

What do you do?

1. Not Drift at all?
2. Remove (at least) rear bumper and maybe skirts if suitable to do so.
3. Add paint protection (clear vinyl for stone chip protection etc).
4. See 2 and 3
5. MTFU.

I know the rubber marks buff out/tar remover etc but it's the cord scratches and destroyed rear bumpers etc I'm worried about :euge:

Would the chip protection work with this?

Haha, Ok. I deserved that :P

Would a bit of a pull/roll/flair possibly limit the damage caused to surrounding areas?
Mint, specifically directed at you due to JZX Lineage!
HMMM.. I wouldnt think so mate, I would say your best bet if you wish to stop this from happening would be to drift on new tyres. Stop when you hear the slightest delam. However by your OP new tyres arnt an option.. I dont think a pull would aid.

Tricky one, however also one I havent ever thought about.. :S my cars are fairly covered in delam but thats cause I dont care, when I hear them delam I dont bother stopping until the tyre is physically off the wheel. :S Then after wards if I got to wash it.. none of it comes off, so I just think, 'meh.. fuck it' lol. :p

Sorry I cant help...
I think stopping at slightest Delam would probably be the safest bet in that case then.

Will only likely be starting off at Crail 8 Oval first anywho so it's not as if I'll be skewed by the Seat Time minutes/£ argument :)
Better that than crying about getting whip marks on my Quarter panels :P

Not at all, interesting to have some perspective :)
Yeah man I mean as soon as you hear it, just come off drift and pit up. :) Crail oval is pretty good fun tbh! :)
Stop drifitng at the first signs of delam and then get some decent remover iron-x springs to mind to remove anyhting that is left on then
Yeah I'm in the same boat. My car is pretty. I just stop when it goes real slippy or when I hear the tyre delamn on the arch.
Cheers Bob :)

I thought I'd find someone who had the same thought, not all of us can be "Zero f*cks given drifters" :P