Not a drift car, but its a cheap run about.
Bought this a few days ago as a runabout myself, nothing wrong with it just i saw a turbodiesel come up for sale today and i snapped that up fairly quick at the right moneys.
This is a tidy car and low milage, i've just carried out a full service on it and its ready to rock and roll, 5 months tax and 11months mot.
Quick sale £750 to you guys, book value of the milage is £1100!!
Bought this a few days ago as a runabout myself, nothing wrong with it just i saw a turbodiesel come up for sale today and i snapped that up fairly quick at the right moneys.
This is a tidy car and low milage, i've just carried out a full service on it and its ready to rock and roll, 5 months tax and 11months mot.
Quick sale £750 to you guys, book value of the milage is £1100!!
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