Quick wheel swap question?


Old shape Totota Supra wheels F,G,H plate.....

Will they go on a L plate Mitsi GTO?

Both 5 stud but is bolt pattern right and ET somewhere nr?

Thanks in advance. :thumbs:
hello mate, the stud pattern is the same and possibly the offset (et) but the probs ive always had with gto's is caliper clearance!!!!!! normally i have found that if there is any rim dish they will hit, the spokes need to run right to the outside of the wheel to clear. if ur goin to buy one then take a jack and a wheel n try it. just as a personal opinion i wouldnt buy a gto cos they r plagued with electronic probs!!!!!!!!!!! very costly to sort as it has to go to mitsy for diagnostics!!!!!!!! :cry: but its up to u
yep GTO's have problems with the caliper. two ways to sort it, get mental offset rims or find wheels with huge X-factor. X-factor is the offset distance fromt he back of the hub on the wheel to the inside edge of the spoke. think the GTO is something nuts like 45mm :wack: call up a big wheel company and ask them. :nod:
Cheers fellas.

Not for me, think they are :dermal: . Plus deposit on S2K now. :D

Friend of a friend buying some rims, 1st thing I said was just try em on, but said I'd ask anyway.
