Race care insurance


New Member
Hi guys, wondering what you know about race car insurance policies?

i'm seriously considering forgetting mot, tax and insurance on my e30 and trailering it as it rarely sees any road use apart from getting to and from drift days and that's becoming more of a problem to carry tyres, fuel etc. I presume you can get pure race car insurance? Theft only? Am i right in thinking on the road i would be covered by the tow car insurance in the event of an accident?

anyone got such a policy and what are the premiums like? Thanks
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hmmm im interested in this also... i do know my dads trade policy comes with track insurance ill have a word with him see what he says about that fella
I spoke to my insurance company Adrian Flux today but they seem surprised by my request. Seems to me that there must be thousands of people up and down the country with non road legal cars that only ever see track use but need to be insured at least for theft. Anyway they did offer a theft at home only policy which covers the car while it's locked up in a garage. No insurance while it's out and about but it was cheap, less than £100 per year.

Apparently whether it's insured on the trailer on the tow vehicle insurance will depend on that policy. Some standard road car policies have trailer cover, some will be an optional extra, some will cover the trailer only and some may cover what is on the trailer up to a certain value.

I have no problem with the risk to the car while drifting on track, i think we all accept that but would be good to know i don't need to pay for road tax or mot but can still have theft cover. Also, if you run with a standard comprehesive policy the car would not be insured at all unless it's got road tax. They categorically said that a road car policy is null and void without road tax. Slightly confused also by that as many cars must be sorned but still insured. I assume at that point the car is insured only for theft from a non public place.