Rarest drift cars?


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum but have been browsing for quite awhile now. I was just curious, what are considered the rarest/hardest to find drift cars? I've recently gotten into drifting with my friends and was planning on buying one to toy around with, but I also think these have the potential to be somewhat valuable cars someday. Just as classic muscle cars have become so collectible today because of older generations wanting pieces of their youth back, I think the same could happen with drift cars one day. So I'm curious to hear what you guys think are the drift cars that will be the hardest to find and/or most sought after in the future?
veyrons are prretty rare in the drift world, get one of them im sure itll impress your mates when you get back to school
Erm, this is already happening in the market with alot of the jap stuff increasing in value. That said, investing in a drift car hoping it will be worth more one day is never going to work!

I agree with others, school holidays lols!