RB26 Coil packs


New Member
Hello all, this is my first post..

As I am buying a R32 GTR, I've been doing some reading into what I'm getting myself into..

I've heard alot about coil packs and different types and all that jazz..
I've also heard from multiple forums, friends and shops that many coil packs are unreliable.

If somebody could tell me what the deal actually is, that would be great..

Also, Is it possible to remove them entirely and replace them with standard leads (as if they were firing from a distributor)?

Thank you.
New factory coils=good,splitfire coils=good,yellow jacket coils=good,super spark coils=good, wasted spark (external coils and leads)=shit, unles you spend the money on the best individual coils and leads and also get an aftermarket ecu.