red top sr pulleys

you mean the crank pulleys dude?
We have one of each here, normal SR20 and redtop sr20, not 100% sure which is which though :rolleyes:
dont they do some of the other pulleys too? but yeah was refering to crank pulley, how much for red top one? if you work out which one it is. you got any pics?
Yep we've just got the crank pulleys though, £40 to you sir, here's a pic of the S14 one which is near identical, looks the same it just has different alignment...

red top one in blue aswell??dont suppose you got chrome/polished look??

easy-ish to fit arent they, undo crank bolt, pull of with a pulley puller then slot new one on?? or am i wrong?
cool, prob make payment tommorow, can you get it here by weekend? need it to be deffo red top one though as wanna do it whilst engines out.

you do any funky shiney bling bling oil filler caps??