Roll cage fabbers in Staffordshire or close by - for an LS400


Right guys and gals,

I am after a roll cage fabricator in staffordshire (or as close too) to create some thing for my LS400.

Going in to next year I already have the 150 direct port Nitrous kit for her with fire system to be plumbed in and a few other things that are going happen to make it a wee bit more bitchin.

BUT Main thing is I would like a cage making for it that fits in with comp regs.

Im never going to do any comps but its a nice benchmarker to use in terms of over all vehicle spec, not just a gutted tub with bucket seats.

Any help would be greatly appreciated:worthy:
Not too bad I guess
Biggest issue is transport, being a 46ft long 23ft wide yacht the average beaver tail aint got big enough bed.

will keep looking, thanks though dude
John Furniss at sump scuffers in Nottingham.
Find him on facebook is the easiest option.