S13 17s TRY FORCE ZELDA Alloys

uncrowded monarch

acc and sort code please
someone from the board paid me a £50 deposit for these about 3months ago and i havent heard from him since........ and they have to go need some space :nod:

VESTA TRY FORCE ZELDA Alloys in good condition
17x9.0 114.3 off +35 4hole

only 2 rims
£250 inc p+p
As has already been said If onlty there were four of them!!! They'd look lovely on my zx....(and the standard rims look so rough.....)
WTF!! I sent you fifty quid three months ago now and you go and sell them from under me!!!

Worth a shot :D:D:D
you keep trying mitch hahaha
the person still aint contacted me....wish more people would send me money for things they dont really want hahaha