S13 CA18DET stage 1 chip?

Newbie to the Datsun world so forgive me for lack of knowledge :smash:

What ECU chip actually works and makes a positive difference on a ca18det? been reading about and can see plenty people getting owned with the cheap pap ebay chips.

Just wanting a stage 1 for a ca18det as it has a mahooosive saab front mount, big noisy zoost and wanted to up the boost to 1 bar.

Came across the Horsham Development chips. Any good?

Dont need silly power and dont wana spend a fortune, just extra poke till I save some dollar for an SR20 lump :wack:
H-Dev are the only "generic" chip I would even think of looking at, however I personally would always go for a custom remap.
Cheers guys:thumbs:
wudnt mind a proper map but will just settle with that and fatten up my piggy bank for an SR engine :wack:
Do those chips actually get it to 220 donkeys ish if I have a big front mount, exhaust, and boost at 1 bar?