right i cant make my mind up. bgw or ducktail to go on my s14 whats your opinion i have a vertex front bumper and will be getting uras 4 skirts and rear bumper???
Hi - What socks should I put on tomorrow? I was going to wear some old knackered jeans.. maybe a clean t-shirt, probably a red one or maybe a green one and I have some Osiris shoes.. I was thinking between white socks or grey socks???
Seriously - Either, neither will do anything, get what ever you want.
Has to be massive like the one above, too many fail medium wings wanna be but they look completely different and I think it depends on car and bodywork tbh, on 14 I prefer ducktails...s13 both lol.
Duck tail! I love BGWs on some cars, but it's a case of go big or go home, a company called big country labs made the one on that FC. They specialise in making ridiculous wings. But are American based. And I really don't like big wings on 14's!