SELL: My Nob (or at least my TRD one)


86 ColdTurkey
I bought this a while ago and never used it - I am lucky enough to have 2 nobs :smokin:



It was screwed onto my T3 quickshifter and then taken off again


Do I hear £10 ? they are $28 plus shipping and import tax new.


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Ill have it for a tenner if you got any idea on how it fits onto my starlet nobbery :)

EDIT: infact Ill just have it! Pm me paypal addy please :)
I guess it should fit - I think its a fairly std thread.

I will figure out how much the postage would be (probably a few quid - not £250 like most ebay deals LOL).

Any brotherhood members ? will this fit a starlet shifter ?
Great, just set a price for postage and ill send the funds straight across to your paypal.

Im spending a lot atm - wheels, tachometer, nob :wack:

Need a good exhaust backbox now that will fit, its got a twin downpipe system just the backbox is a right old rusty thing. But I don't want a crap chavvy sound :(