Serious Spec S14 On Ebay

Fair play for being different .. its not to my taste, but then not much is! I think the wheels are quite a cool touch and fair play also for having some form of ICE install .... engine bay looks nice but please PLEASE ... PLEASE (and i cant stress this enough) remove that horse from the steering wheel :p

Good luck with the sale ;)

Yeah no worries mate, the horse is defo going!!, to be replaced by the Sparco horn button...

Cheers for the best wishes...

PS: The wheels look awesome in the metal.
yeah looks cool, if a little ott, but then its what ever floats ya boat, have you put it on ???

and do you have a rough price you looking for?:thumbs:
there appears to be a ferrari badge in the centre of you steering wheel? and someones left loads of speakers and shit on the back seat!
Yep, it's on SXOC mate. That's a light-weight Clarion install as it goes, mounted in front of the rear wheels. Sounds awesome - not too loud, just nicely clear and detailed sound...
Looks good. I saw it at Japfest, but stopped reading max power, so I haven't heard about progress on it in a while.

If I had the monies and was old enough, it'd be mine in an instant!
i would take it if i had the spare cash ... great spec and with only a wheel alighment it would be a savage drifter ... and i would sooo have that system pumping out goin round lydd hahah

sweet car and good luck :thumbs:
aint you dan from 1 of those car mags .. fast car or something??
remember seeing this ages ago ... defo needs different wheels IMO
good luck with the sale ...
Rims are +20mm front and +50mm rear (I think, but it been a while!) to take up the slack in the wide arch kit. Probs keeps them on the car as it goes mate, but u never know!
Yeah my Skyline was red-hot b4 most peeps in the UK even knew what one was! It was photographed by the editor of D-Car magazine (Japan) when he was in the UK.
19inch Rays TE37s - those were the days!! But, yeah had to leave to do other cool sh*t!!