Shipping to Poland


Hi there at driftworks!
i was just wondering about something
could you tell me if i order a suspension setup for my s14 how (coilovers, arms, full set) how much days this would take to be delivered to poland since i make the payment and also how much would it cost to deliver it to poland?
it would be for the Nissan s14 Handling pack available for 1157,78GBP

let me know

thank you

On every page there is a shipping drop down, or you can add multiple products to the basket.
Shipping on a handling pack will be £78.23 and take 4-5 days.
just another question about the shipping kam.

i'll order my handling part in the end of march but wanted to order an exemple of outsiders japan but i'm pretty much scared of the shipping price it gave me...

something like over 20 quids to ship a dvd to poland seems a bit overpriced dont you think?