Solid subframe bushes - too large (R33)


recently bought some DW solid subframe bushes and the bottom bush is about 1-2mm too large to fit in.. anyone else have this problemI have the machine to skim it off ok, but just wondering if this is a known problemBought the same bushes and they fit 100% fine on my S14
I've had a set be very very tight,bit of copper grease and some persuasion with a mallet sorted it. If they're CNC machined they should all have the same diameter though i'd of thought?
yea, tried that, i copper grease EVERYTHING anyway lol, started hammering them in and always go in at an angle and starts destroying the bush/peeling away metal ... even tried a home made bearing puller, same thing
i had some japspeed ones which were epicly tight on my 13 and yes it was with the inner peice removed in the end i put a big bolt through the middle and kept tightening to keep it square whilst using a g clamp and a little bit of a hammer just to guide them in and they went in........

i would imagine it would be 100 times easyer to just use a press tho but didn't have one to hand :/
Yup, all cut out, will measure them in a minute to check how much larger they are, but all 4 seemed too larger to hammer/press in and was damaging the bush

I'l just skim them

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Yup, all cut out, will measure them in a minute to check how much larger they are, but all 4 seemed too larger to hammer/press in and was damaging the bush

I'l just skim them
I'm not aware of hearing this problem before. All the bushes should definitely be the same OD. When I've done it in the past sometimes I've damaged the subframe a bit getting the old bushes out and have to straighten to aperture a little. But it's unlikely you would have done it on all four.
just measured, and the bushes are 1mm larger.

It's wet out so going to give this a better look tomorrow before i start grinding things down to make sure

These went in easy on my 14 and the top bushes went in fine too :/ .. just the bottom ones

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just measured, and the bushes are 1mm larger.

It's wet out so going to give this a better look tomorrow before i start grinding things down to make sure

These went in easy on my 14 and the top bushes went in fine too :/ .. just the bottom ones
If it were me mate i'd send them back before you start grinding. DW are always helpful from what i've experienced. Danger is that if you start grinding and take too much you won't get a proper friction fit then they're fucked and you've gotta get a new set.
yea that's why I;m waiting for tomorrow to flip the subframe and measure all 4 to make sure I'm not just being a big girl with the hammer.

Will give them a call and ask for measurements from another set, might have a a duff set :/
I'd very very doubtful there's any inconsistency in the manufacture at all. But if you have a vernier, let us know the size and we'll check it out against the stock here :thumbs:
cheers, will give it another shot when it's dry and update ... can;t flipt he sub myself an no one's about + wet :/

probably just being a girl as it was getting dark and i was knackered

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cheers, will give it another shot when it's dry and update ... can;t flipt he sub myself an no one's about + wet :/

probably just being a girl as it was getting dark and i was knackered
turned out my subframe bush holes were a little warped and not 100% circular

fire + hammer fixed everything

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turned out my subframe bush holes were a little warped and not 100% circular

fire + hammer fixed everything