Just selling a few bits thought I'd put them up as there seems to be a few IS's starting to peep through on here.
TRD Stainless steel Dials
Lexus IS200 TRD Stainless Steel Dials on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:35:17 BST)
TRD/Sports kit Rear Skirt
Lexus IS200 Rear Skirt Part of the Sport Body kit on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:30:00 BST)
IS200 AMP from SE or Sports models.
Lexus IS200 Stereo amp on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:19:53 BST)
IS200 Steering Wheel
Lexus IS200 Steering Wheel on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:17:15 BST)
IS200 Passenger Airbag
Lexus IS200 Air bag on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:15:26 BST)
IS200 Drivers Air Bag
Lexus IS200 Air bag on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:14:15 BST)
TRD Stainless steel Dials
Lexus IS200 TRD Stainless Steel Dials on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:35:17 BST)
TRD/Sports kit Rear Skirt
Lexus IS200 Rear Skirt Part of the Sport Body kit on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:30:00 BST)
IS200 AMP from SE or Sports models.
Lexus IS200 Stereo amp on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:19:53 BST)
IS200 Steering Wheel
Lexus IS200 Steering Wheel on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:17:15 BST)
IS200 Passenger Airbag
Lexus IS200 Air bag on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:15:26 BST)
IS200 Drivers Air Bag
Lexus IS200 Air bag on eBay (end time 12-Jul-09 21:14:15 BST)