Splitting these. Best way!?



Ideally i would like to get these split apart so i can paint up the knuckle before painting later.... Whats the best way? Press? Socket and hammer? Pullers?

I have cracked off the four bolts in the back and its hard in the knuckle, so whats my next move?!?

Stole pictures from fruitbooters thread.



Also one of the studs is completely fu*ked best way to remove?!
Cheers again Guys....
Buddy :thumbs:
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Dude go on sxoc and learn how to use the search function it will answer pretty much all your questions.

Whilst I'm here - you want to undo the 4 bolts a little bit at a time and hit the bolts with a hammer until the hub comes loose from the knuckle.

I'm pretty sure the stud is just a case of bashing it out and pulling a new one in (It was for me anyway) Just make sure you line the splines up as you pull it in and make sure you have the right stud to go back in. On my 180sx the studs are different to uk 200sx ones.