Starting my drift (help me senpais)


New Member
Hi, how are you all?
Like the title said i am a newbie, i am thinking of e36.
So the question are:
I can go up to e36 2.5L petrol and 3L+ diesel.
Can someone simply why petrol is beter for drift?
Witch car should i get, the e36 325i people sell it here for 5k, i was thinking of getting the 318i or 320i that are 1k and with like 3k get more powerfull them the 325i what do u think?
Thanks for the help.
You need to ask yourself some questions. Will the car be used on the road? Will you have money left for practice? Will you have money left for basic modificatons and mainenance? Road legality might be a problem with 3k of power mods in your country.

My best advice is to go for a 323/325/328. 6 cylinders N/A. You can't replace those 2 cylinders with any modifications on a 318. In my country it is pretty much the same if you buy E46 or E36 6 cylinder cars, they cost about the same. Aim for a car that people wouldn't want to buy as their primary vehicle because of light damage or bit of rust or vandalism. Get it cheap. You shouldn't care about looks too much if you will be drifting it.

You could buy the diesel but I don't see that being any cheaper. Bear in mind you are a beginner and will need to rely heavily on the power of driftworks and similar. If you buy a diesel there might not be much info for you out there.

CHEAPEST option for you is 318 E36 compact. May not be the most exciting option, but it will get you started and won't drain your budget immediately before you even decide if you like drifting or not. It should however reward you on your way forward.
Isnt the e36 320 2L 6cylinder? The legal mods are the police just cant notice if i change something inside the motor or even tubes, turbo if its noticible they are kinda of "legal".
I whant to ride it on the road to go somewhere and sometimes i see that beautiful corner calling me ...
Pratice when i can or if i see the corner calling me.
The e46 i like the chassi more but they have a anual taxe double the price of the e36 it changes on the year 1995 and therefore i am looking for the e36... even so i dont really mind if it is better for drifting, for normal use, for a bit mods and better looking.
If you know about the e36 vs the e46 in those facts.
Thanks for the help
Early ones were 6cyl, so if you are looking up to 1995 then that is it, then changed to 4, but judging by the state of things where I am from you will have a much harder time finding a 6cyl 320 than a 323/325. Also, there is never enough power :)

Like I said, nothing will replace those 2 cylinders, the torque will not be the same, the way it deliver power will not be the same and the sound will not be the same. If you will drive it on the road sound is one thing that you can not overlook.

My experience is, you will not be "taking corners calling you" very much. Roads are narrow and have edges that end either in a ditch, a wall, a fence or a curb. Unless you are really confident or straight dumb you will take corners like a normal person. For learning, there is nothing like a closed course. The landfill where I did most of my driving (I am a beginner just like you, only few sessions into drifting) has narrow surfaces and yet I have no problem taking a tight corner in second. Because I know it is ok to spin out, ok to go over the edge, ok to embarass myself.

As far as E36 vs. E46 goes I would rather not comment as I am not a BMW fan and haven't looked into it. I know for a fact though that those questions have been asked before, you whatever you want to know, translate it into english an google it before asking here. Those BMWs were used for drifting for a long time now and I really can't imagine you are asking something that hasn't been asked before.
I think i can catch 1 320 with 6 cylinders (i hope). Yes first i need to train in a large space that i will do it i will find a nice place.
E36vs e46 i already did some investigation and basicaly what i learn is e36 is betrer for budget, e46 better for road confort, and after some say e36 is better others e46 is better for drifting.
So witch car do you use?

Chelsea DeNofa says E46 chassis is stiffer, used both for drifting
E46 lighter when gutted
E36 narrow fender wells can't cover all front suspension setups
Suspension and chassis setup is the same concept between the two
Random guys opinion is the E36 is more connected to the road
E46 will be younger, so less rusty

If I knew nothing about the cars and needed to search to make up my mind I am leaning towards E46. You said it makes a big difference if it is a pre-95 car, so I suppose E36 is a good enough choice for you. The 320 I6 you mention should do the trick.