subframe bushings

Ice 240

New Member
I sent a message from the website a few days ago but got no reply

I wanted to know how much poly subframe bushings shipped with air mail as the system can not calculate it because of weight?

also if you can confirm if i need to pay vat as it will be shipped to iceland?
airmail service can't handle the subframe bushes because they are too heavy (something like 4kg I think?) so the next best option is a courier service. The courier price is the same for up to about 30kg though, so it works out better if you order other stuff at the same time.
Iceland, you shouldn't get charged VAT. The shop should work it all out for you automatically.
that's the problem the shop calculates it with vat if i choose Iceland as my country
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Hey there :) On a simple quick quote it will still leave the VAT on unfortunately, once you enter your details into the online shop and log in it'll give you the ex-vat price.

Alternatively just do the delivered price x 0.87 :)
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