Sump Plug Adaptors

Mr Scolding pointed me this way for a sump plug adaptor to screw my Omori oil temp sender into - its too darn big for the standard sump plug hole. I understand you do an adaptor to change this - are they a standard fitting or am I going to need to know the size of the fitting on the sender?
I used one from Driftworks on my "Line" (the new "Liner"), worked a treat, nice fit, good seal, no problems.

You need to know the thread of course, JR has a posh thread measururerering device for bestest accurateness, so just send him your fitting and he can return it with the right adaptor for your gay Neeesan.
you Omori is too big for the standard Nissan sump plug hole?

We had some adaptor plugs, but they were so you could fit a small sensor into the large sump plug hole.
Yeah the Omori one is like a 2" probe with a loose collar round it. The collar is threaded so it screws into something and as it tightens it seals around the 'probe'.

So basically the probe fits in the sump hole but the collar is too big to screw in.
Doubt you'll get it to work at the sump hole then young Jord... Is there even enough room to fit a threaded collar into the sump plug threads along with the probe?
Well I was hoping to find a device not unlike the one to the right of this sandwich plate -


This would screw into the sump plug hole and then provide a larger hole big enough to screw my sender in.