supra w/ sketchy handling


New Member
Does solid diff bushings make any difference?

Hi all, I'd like to upgrade my diff mounts on mk4, but there aren't many options. However, i've been seeing more solid mounts than poly urethane replacements. Has anyone had any experiences between the 2? And if so, how has it affected the "driftability" of the vehicle?
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Sure it helps a bit, but you won't feel too much difference. Especially not when only those few mounts are harder than usual.

What do you mean with sketchy, what exactly is the problem? I can't imagine a few diff mounts to f... up the cars behavior.
My supra is sat unused because every last bush is shagged.. I need to do them all.. Including diff bushes..
They are beneficial I'm sure, end of the day it stops twist in the diff. They do have a tendency to squeak/creek. Though if you effectively solid mount the diff that force will be moved to other parts, most likely subframe bushes? I'm not to familiar with supra rear ends
found the culprit behind the "sketchy" behavior....both rear hubs are damaged even tho sitting on brand new wheel bearings. The machinist overlooked that part *sigh*
there's some movement in the bearing thats allowing the hub to move around. it's only perceptible by a slight knock when taken off the car, however when the wheels are on, u can visually see the entire wheel rocking. Even more confusing as the bearings are brand new and the machinist said there's no damage to either flange or hub. The car is non ABS, however the axles are from an ABS equipped rear end...I'm wondering if there's some small difference
no luck.....the axles are more or less the same so that leaves the bearing as the lone culprit. Will buy a new set and reinstall on another pair of old hubs I have