Teesside 06/05/2013


brilliant day at Teeside on monday with some amazing weather and damn good driving too hope you all like the pics :thumbs:

IMG_4515 by leigh.hopewell, on Flickr

IMG_4406 by leigh.hopewell, on Flickr

IMG_4022 by leigh.hopewell, on Flickr

IMG_4873 by leigh.hopewell, on Flickr

IMG_4657 by leigh.hopewell, on Flickr

IMG_4619 by leigh.hopewell, on Flickr

more pics here : http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?...073741828.168922563120896&type=1&l=6313979896

if you like the pics then like them :thumbs:
not all the pics are edited yet but if you were there message me on Facebook with your car and ill sort them out if i have any cheers.
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