Torque Drifts


Can I ask,

Do the 17" Torque Drifts just look the exact same as the 18"s but with the extra inch missing? What about the difference between the 8J and 9J? Have you got any photo's?

I ask because the GTR's have a difference between their widths (the spokes are straight on the 8.5's and inwards on the 9.5's)

The 17" and 18"s have the same dish.

The 9.5Js have more of a dish than the thinner wheels but the dish is the same in relation to the different offsets.
17x8 and 18x8.5 are the flat faced design for maximum brake caliper clearance...

17x9, 17x9.5 and 18x9.5 all have the dished spoke design. :)