Trouble starting S13 - need help

PackMan MC

New Member
Here's the situation.
Have 2 probs when starting my S13.

1st - Somo of the times when turn the ignition key the fuel pump don't buzz, I've changed to a walbro and the relay and still the same prob.

2nd - When the weather is cold (and the fuel pump already make the noise) my S13 starts working very unstable and lots os black smoke. After ªI get started a few times the engine works fine.
If the weather is warm or even if the car is at sun (after fuel pump noise) it works fine...

Possible diagnosis ??
Check the ECU diagnostics first. Check the engine temp sensor and circuit. If yours is a later car with a Lambda make sure thats working OK. Might be worth cleaning the AFM as well.

Thanks, I'm gonna check that...but what I think strange is the fuel pump, most of the times, don't make the noise and I have to turn on the key and conect the starting engine device, then the pump make the noise...only after that I can start the engine of car.

PackMan MC - Road River Club - Portugal
duff pump realy on its way out?
poor wiring to the pump? duff earth from the pump or its relay?
is the wiring from the ignition barrel still good?
relay not sat properly?
duff earth from fuse box or relay box?

good luck.
