turbo braided lines - length

Hey Guys

I'm about to place an order for several items, including the turbo braided lines:
- one oil braided line
- two braided lines for the coolant

Could you tell me how long the short and long lines are? Because i did some measuring and i am in need of the following dimensions:
- oil = 50 cm
- coolant1 = 97 cm
- coolant2 = 90 cm

Or do you guys make these lines according to the customers enginebay...

Hey there :wave:

I'm afraid the only lines we have are for stock SR20 or CA18 lengths, we order them in bulk and can't really get individual lines made to individual lengths.

We've not got anything that long, max about 60cm with a push on end, so you could use a pair of 60cm lines then some hardline with a rubber joiner or something, but I'm afraid we can't do the full custom length.