Wanted WANTED: Autoglym Sunstrip


dori dori
The ones they were giving away free at the event in August (which unfortunately I couldn't make :cry: ).

If anyone wants to part with one for a lil cash please contact me :)
Yeah, Manish basically said that I could of had one free if I was able to attend the event in August (which I wasn't).
Not trying to be some gay fan boy or anything, its just I need a sunstrip since stripping me starlet as the sun gets in me eyes :)

Ive seen the autoglym ones and they are quite nice, so thought I would enquire about one - I wouldn't dream of having a D1 orange banner etc, as I know they are a mark of skill - I thought the autoglym ones were just promo items?
Doesn't brother Will deal in Autoglym knock offs? :D

They are a mark of skill of a sort, you only get one if you compete which means you must have the Autoglym license.
hi me dad has got loads of them, as he is da boss lol so just give me your address an i'm sure i can mail it to you. And stickers you can probably find at round five. j caller
Hi Jcaller :) can I have some stickers and a sunstrip please? :nod:
my address is:
H Mirza
4 Exeter House
Margaret Bonfield Avenue
IG11 9NQ
Thanks :)