Wanted WANTED! Decent 4-wheel trailer...


Active Member
Some of you guys must know of something nice available somewhere?

A Brian James would be sweet, seen some pimp examples kicking around at drifty days like Nick Skidz, Nick the Doc and Mr Moffat... I have resisted pikeying yours so help me find one yo!
i saw this bad boy on the way to brands the other day :thumbs: get one!! you know you want to.
I only want a trailer, not a fucking house!

Mind you, it'd be useful for weekenders... me and Euge could pimp it out and take that bad boy into the nearest town and park it up outside the local brothel/nightclub...

Fuck it, I could live in there.
How much would one of those bitches set you back?

That is a complete solution - transport and accommodation rolled into one :cool:
Yeah I should buy it and park all my untaxed shitters on it in the street. My neighbours love me enough as it is...
If it's legally parked and hooked up to something that's taxed, then yes.

Only problem is you can't park HGV's anywhere and the cab tax is about one hundered biiiiiiilllllllion dollars or thereabouts.