Wanted Wanted - Set of Longchamp XR4 (ae86)


Johnny 5 ALIVE
Wanted - Set of Longchamp XR4 (ae86)

7.5inch J
0- offset

Or any other tasty wheels like sum SSR wheels to fit.
Also even if you can get tem in smaller sizes i mite consider them.

Mite have a set of PANSPORT wheels to sell (MITE)



Im on the trail of some longchamps with a huge -offset, will let you know how i get on but its not looking too good so far. jubiride.com had them for sale but not anymore, adrenaline racing in the states have them but they are $350 a rim + all the export/VAT charges
Actually, I was only after a set of cheap wheels.

Looks like these aint the type o be looking for!!

Knew they would cost a bit but......

New serch

Supra wheels for a ae86, u know the type.

How much do these nomally go for? and here best to get sum??

Dont mind condition aslong as there straight and not :dermal:
Supra wheels are alot easier to get hold of! :nod: There was a set for £50 on ebay a couple of days ago but no 1 bid on them! Hopefully they will be re listed soon!

There not a very light wheel is the only problem i have with them! :(
if you are feeling rich you can get these new




They do loads off widths and offsets. I actually spoke with the UK distributor at the autosport show and they work out about £350 a corner :eek:
