Wanted Wanted : Studs and bolts to turbo/downpipe

Sx Drifter

My Island
I need the 5 studs and bolts that connect the s13 t25 to the downpipe.. all 5 of mine have broken and i need some replacements.

anybody got a set laying around ?

also has anyone got the x2 studs and bolts that connect the s14 turbo inlet pipe to the turbo inlet on the t28.

ta. :thumbs:
the exhaust studs are m8*1.25 any motor shop will have them and they will be a few pennies each
cheers :S

went to a "Fixers" shop.. he started off on one about not benig aboe to do em, and the grade of steel ect ect :S

wierdo's lol

gonna have to go up wasall again now :(