After their attendance at King of Europe Drift Edition, Mr Okamura from YF and Mr Tsukano from WiseSports dropped some goodies in Europe so we have in stock YF stickers and white or blue YF tshirts in stock and last but not least some YF temperature controllers, should be out in around 10 days on our new online shop
dragon sticker
okamura sticker
water controller
YF large sticker
YF medium sticker
YF small sticker
YF "produced by" sticker
YF web site address
YF white sticker
YF blue or white tshirt (large)
we also also some wise stuff
Wise sticker
Wise Tshirt (only 2 large in stock)
if you can't wait our new online shop, pm me right now...
If you need parts from Yashio Factory or even F-CON mapping (Mr Okamura come back end of September in Europe and can do that for you!), we can help...