Whats your fastest entry speed?


Seen some pretty insane speeds in COMP/PRO 700+ hp stuff, but for us normal guys, whats the average speed you enter in at?
Accidentally (genuinely) did a 65/70 ish entry on my way to work a few weeks ago. That was a bit fun haha. It's a long sweeping right hander over a crest on a lovely twisty B road I commute on. I'd spent the night before playing a lot on forza with my wheel setup and might have forgotten where I was briefly....
You go as fast as the corner / grip level dictates
I've done 100 mph ish entries in a couple places but only one of them took balls (Gerarrds at Malory)
3rd gear 60mph blind flick before the jump at Ebisu South with two wheels in the air over the top with a wall rub on the way down has to be my most awesome run ever. :)
Seen some pretty insane speeds in COMP/PRO 700+ hp stuff, but for us normal guys, whats the average speed you enter in at?

Fast and GOOD are two totally different things.

Most 'fast' entries mean massively fast run up, then dogshit scrubbed off all the speed with the handbrake boring shit.

Fast and mental, awesome, fast and what 95% of entries are in the UK, poopoo.
foot to the floor in 4th then a big scandi flick. come out the other end wondering how you are still alive, then have another attempt.

joking aside I try not to look at the speedo as I found (especially at Mallory) It would provoke me to contemplate what the fuck I was about to do and then hesitate as I tried to remember the last time I updated my will/life insurance etc..
Fast and GOOD are two totally different things.

Most 'fast' entries mean massively fast run up, then dogshit scrubbed off all the speed with the handbrake boring shit.

Fast and mental, awesome, fast and what 95% of entries are in the UK, poopoo.

I thought we had some pro drivers on here, with a 700hp s15 I'm guessing Phil and some awesome entry speeds
Fast and GOOD are two totally different things.

Most 'fast' entries mean massively fast run up, then dogshit scrubbed off all the speed with the handbrake boring shit.

Fast and mental, awesome, fast and what 95% of entries are in the UK, poopoo.

This x100

This thread is a bit like asking a group of guys how big their penis is.
I thought we had some pro drivers on here, with a 700hp s15 I'm guessing Phil and some awesome entry speeds

What's Pro gotta do with anything? 'Pro' drifting in the UK has some of the weakest (but fast) entries known to man, as that's the style the rules ask for.
More importantly, whats power got to do with it? Having 700BHP doesnt allow you or makw you enter any quicker than 170 would, bar the actual ability to get up to speed...