Whiteline ARB parts


- www.tafftune.com -
My front ARB turned up yesterday but I now need some new droplinks for them. I wasn't aware that they didn't come with the anti roll bar so I'm gonna need a pair for the front and a pair for the rear. I've just checked the Whiteline parts list and they list some rod end type drop links and the conventional eyelet type. Can I get a price for the two types?


Hmm yes whiteline choose not to include droplinks with the skyline kits for some wonderful reason.

I'll get on the prices for you now...
Oh and in addition the front anti-roll bar that turned up seems to be an R32 front anti-roll bar. I think I must've mixed up what Mel was asking in one of the emails I received about the arb's. What I needed was an S13 front ARB (since the R32 is now running S13/14 front geometry and an R32/S13 rear ARB. So I'll need to send this R32 front ARB back (because its nowhere near fitting the S13 front geometry) and get an S13/14 front ARB as a replacement if thats possible?
Sorted now :) S13 one comes with the fittings etc so you should be all sorted once we get that done.
Hi Bryn,

Sorry should have updated you, we're waiting on the rear R32 bar from Whiteline, it's supposed to be here in the next couple of days then we'll send them both out together. :)
sideways.taff said:

Whiteline have contacted us today to basically say the manufacturers moved premises and it delayed stock by 8 weeks.

Apparently in about 2-3 weeks time they can fulfill our back order of 11 anti roll bars :wack:

This will include yours :)