Xbox 360 Elite - Bargain for someone



Here is my spare xbox 360 Elite which i am putting up for sale rather then it going to sit gathering dust,

It was bought in 08 from gamestation brand new, never faulted once in my possesion and seems to be a strong computer, The console is modded to run wave4 games now which will allow codmw2 to run correctly, this firmwear upgrade has cost me around £100+ the last few months as i upgraded it to Wave3 for forza, then to find out i needed it done again for MW2,,

Anyway here is the offer:

The Elite,
The Black controller and box,cables etc
Cod4MW2 + Forza Motorsport 3
+ any other 3 games of your choice...

Im wanting £200 for it + postage but would prefer collection...but i will post at your cost

The games will be copys i must mention... I can add any other game for you if you want others for £8 a game:thumbs:

I just noticed lolzz,, This one is banned from live btw, i think only my gamertag is banned but cant guarentee so ill play safe and say console is banned
I heard this also but dont have another account to test the console...i definatly know my gamertag is banned tho sadly...had that from the day live came out also :( ohh well
I heard this also but dont have another account to test the console...i definatly know my gamertag is banned tho sadly...had that from the day live came out also :( ohh well

If this console is banned it is junk.

MS recently permanently banned 1,000,000 modded consoles from live. the gamertag can be bought over to a new console but the console itself is now just parts!
Erm,, what are you on about haha....??

The console is still in fully working order, just cant be played online....and if you didnt know already, Microsoft have started banning Gamertags along with consoles..not just consoles like old times....
Whoever charged you £100+ to flash your console twice needs shot... Its a 5 Min job and it really didnt need flashed the 2nd time as you can just use a Active.ISO disc to get the game to boot...

You have actually just been upgrading or downgrading your Firmware from 1.6 to 1.51 or 1.61 or vias versa.

As for this "Gamer tag ban" No such thing, there still banning consoles, all gamer tags can be recovered easily, by using the recover gamer tag option on your fresh Xbox!

Banned elite consoles go for around £50...

Normal Xbox's Unbanned are going for around £70-100..

Not trying to dent your sale or anything just clearing up a few things.

Personally i would keep it, You can already Unban 360's by using a Fresh nand chip and KV but im pretty sure in the next few weeks/months there is going to be easier ways to unban them :)
chopaholic; Thousands of people have had their tags banned for playing ODST and MW2 early. One of my mates has lost three consoles and his tag in this ban wave and I have lost two consoles.

Corey; If you played MW2 early there is a chance that the tag has been banned. If you played on Live after the October update then the console will be either banned, or facing a ban. Only way to find out if your tag is banned is to recover it on a stock console and check.

If your Elite is not already banned (as in, if the next time you sign in it tells you) then the console is fine to play offline. All you need to do is wait until iXtreme LT is out and then you will be back on Live. (we hope...)

If it has already been banned (you signed into Live and it told you have been banned) then the console becomes semi useless. When a console is banned it corrupts the data and tag which is played on the console meaning you have to recover your tag if you wish to play on a stock console. This of course loses all your played data since you last signed in. If you do not play on Live at all this has no relevence to the user.

To check if your Elite has been banned you can either do a network test with the HDD unplugged or try to register your 360 for repair at (the latter being the safer option) If it is refused it has been banned.

As chopoholic says; I would hang on to it a bit first. I am mine. Never know whats going to happen in the next few months. There are so many people banned this time that there is a good chance they will find out a way to get around the ban. There are already a few ways (not great, but a start) that people are getting around it.

Also, I get the feeling whoever has been flashing your 360 and burning games for you has been taking the piss with his prices and I think you should check eBay to compare what you are selling against what is on there. In the future I would recommend you either learn to flash and burn games yourself (which are both very simple) or find a new guy who can. :)

This post is of course entirely fictional and I do not condone piracy. :wack:

Sorry for the tl;dr!
chopaholic; Thousands of people have had their tags banned for playing ODST and MW2 early. One of my mates has lost three consoles and his tag in this ban wave and I have lost two consoles.

If your Elite is not already banned (as in, if the next time you sign in it tells you) then the console is fine to play offline. All you need to do is wait until iXtreme LT is out and then you will be back on Live. (we hope...)

Once your console is flagged there is nothing you can do, no matter if you are running LT or anything... People seem to be under the illusion LT unflags you, it doesnt.. Its simply a better running firmware which runs as close to OEM firmware as possible to make it alot harder for microsoft to detect any differences..

Its console bans people are getting, they ban your KV, all gamer tags can be recovered easily, ive had 2 friends get there consoles banned 1 for Forza 3 and the other for MW2, both are now back on live with new consoles using original GT and still using there Live services which they paid for... If it was just Gamertag bans people were getting the consoles would still be able to be used with a new gamer tag.

As for flashing them yourself, its piss easy! A sata cable and 10 minutes does it :)
I have just re-read that quote and I didn't quite type it out correctly.

Once you are flagged there is nothing you can do. But, if you keep the console offline so the console itself does not know you are yet banned (as in you have not yet recieved the message on the console that it has been banned) then the console is okay as an offline only console (it will not corrupt your data like a banned console will). Anyone who is running iXtreme (any version) and downloaded the October update should not sign in on that console again! I certainly wish I hadn't.

The only way to get back on Live now would be to own a console which has not downloaded the October update. This was the update which let Microsoft read which firmware drives are running! I have a Benq which has not seen Live in a long time running 1.61 and has, and will not be, flagged by Live because of this. This is the only situation in which you can wait for LT to come out to get back onto Live. :)

Again, they have also started banning tags as well as consoles! When you get a tag ban then ban both the tag and the console. They started this a few months ago when pirates were playing the early releases of ODST. This has nothing to do with the current wave.

And yes, flashing is very easy. For any drive other than Lite-ons you only need a £5 SATA card and basic computer knowledge. :)
been thinking about doing mine, and you guys make it sound like a piece of piss, what sites do you use, just as a guide for me?


and a bump for the thread jack
simple answer then if its only worth £50 on ebay, go sell it to the game for more, there not going to know if its been banned