27 hours in a day !!

A job well done there Steve :thumbs: I'm really pleased the old girl's getting the tlc she deserves :)
I didn't recieve your email ? hence no reply, normally you'd get an autoreply to confirm it's gone to the server.

Anyway I should point out that Steve was nothing but a gentleman over the purchase of the car even when he had the engine problem. I was obviously a little embarassed over the strut brace thing and Steve was quite understanding but do appreciate Mitch's position.

So it appears to be just a little breakdown in communication and I'm sure we can all be friends :)

So top job Steve & well done getting it all done so quickly :smash: :worthy:

A lot of hard work gone in there, i'm in the middle of an engine swap myself and can appreciate all the hard work that took in such a short amount of time. :thumbs:
Chris@LK said:
A job well done there Steve :thumbs: I'm really pleased the old girl's getting the tlc she deserves :)
I didn't recieve your email ? hence no reply, normally you'd get an autoreply to confirm it's gone to the server.

Anyway I should point out that Steve was nothing but a gentleman over the purchase of the car even when he had the engine problem. I was obviously a little embarassed over the strut brace thing and Steve was quite understanding but do appreciate Mitch's position.

So it appears to be just a little breakdown in communication and I'm sure we can all be friends :)

So top job Steve & well done getting it all done so quickly :smash: :worthy:


Hi matey how's you ?? yeh it was a long night with many a cuppa i can tell ya !!:D also fitted a nice loud exhaust system:smokin: so i can be heard as well as seen coming:D

Mitch ta for the info:wave: