'89 Mazda RX7 FC3S

if i had money and space i would love this car. im sorry i cant buy it off you :cry: it hurts me not to buy it! argh. i think il try and get one next when ive got rid of my shed of a p100 and have some money rather than debt! lol
wooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh - exhaust has my name all over it :D

please dont sell it matey - i have pm'd you with info

lol...I think that's it, pretty much.
A single DTM mirror without baseplate maybe :wack: Don't slag me, I didn't intend to put them on my FC!!!
I'd probably do it for £100, although it's a damn long road trip down south.
Maybe over the weekend.
PM me your area code, n I'll see what I can do.
Looks like a good car.. 200 pounds man, if it was in Holland I'd be at your door right now, MOT or no MOT, if engine is working engine alone is already worth that:D But these shells are pretty good so looks like a nice base to work on.

Whats keeping you from working on the car yourself? If its running good then the problems you mention don't sounds hard to fix with a screwdriver and a run of the mill wrench set.