I did find this guide but is a simple insight into it all.
Toyota 4AGZE 4AGE(16v) 4AGE(20v)
AE101, AE92, AE82, AE86, AE70, KExx
Usually referred to as 4A-GTE when converted to turbo, engine is a mostly bolt-in fitment in AE series, modification required for KE series. 4A-GZE most suitable due to strong internals, 20v head flows well and can give good results.
Toyota 3S-GTE
AE82, AE86
2.0L turbo from GT4 celica, requires modified 4WD gearbox or Camry g/box to fit AE82. MR2 variant can be made to fit AE86. Lots of torque.
Nissan CA18-DET
AE86, KExx
Inexpensive engine making good power. Use CA18 gearbox to fit, can use s13 front suspension.
Nissan SR20-DET AE86, KExx Much modification required - crossmember, shifter position, tailshaft, etc. Easily upgradable engine with knowledge and aftermarket parts plentiful.
Mazda 13B, 20B
AE86, KExx
Again, much modification required - but both have been made to fit. Huge amounts of power available from the triple-rotor 20B.
Toyota 3T-GTE
AE86, KExx
1.8L 8valve turbo. Strong motor, used widely in early KE series corolla's for drag racing applications.
Dunno why mate but dont like Vauxhauls. The only thing that ever enters my head when that make of car is mentioned is "Nova"
. Omg i didnt just say that. Sorry peeps.
If i stay n/a im gonna be looking for a high revving engine maybe fc20 if i can find one.
Got a mate whos well up for doing the conversion.
Its like which gbox to use with the 3s-gte Mr2 engine?
How much power can the standard rear axle take?
Im not planing on going above 250bhp if even that.