So as I've not done a drift day for a while and my next planned day is going back to teesside in October, me and my mate in his e36 decided to book on to three sisters drift day.
I'm not a big fan of these, as there can be up to 70 cars booked on, and they run in 3 groups with 20 min sessions, which ends up in basically getting 2-4 runs every hour. However I was hoping that because this drift day I booked onto was on a bank holiday weekend Friday, it might be quite and I'd be able to get some runs in..
So the car could do with some new pads, so put some new brembo pads in the rear
So we got to three sisters and to my disbelief there was 8 cars booked onto my class, and this ment it actually turned out to be an epic day getting a huge amount of seat time in. It was a Bdc practice day, so in total there was about 20 cars there split over 3 groups.
My driving came on loads over the day and had a brilliant day shredding tires.
Learned to not take tires to the absolute limit because you have to remove the tire with a grinder
And the best pic from the day
I'm still looking Into getting the jag more power...doesn't really need it but I can't leave things alone haha