Forgot to say, love those wheels on your Tourer, did you buy them off the zone, a guy in Hertfordshire maybe? I saw them, or ones like them, but was gutted when I was beaten to them...
Belive it or not they came on the car, was one of the better things with it haha but i love them they looked weak when the car was hight, now its decked looks amazing...
Nah, its sitting on the floor next to my skyline ha, i'm going to fit it soon regardless but i didn't want to mention it just incase some came down with £1500 notes lol
problem is every day taht goes past i want to keep it more
the last few days its been raining and its just sooooo easy to drift... its such a naughty car
I'm kinda sprised no one has even asked about it yet ?? have i priced it too high? its basicly what it owes me guys.. not trying to make a profit, just break even.