I had an awesome friend who got the front back where it belonged. We spend hours meassuring so everyting is exact where it should be. All with the help of a big hammer, some wood and a jack (and some beer)
Here is the after pictures where you can see how much we moved the front:
Installing the lights on the radiatorsupport for easier install:
And welded it back where it belonged after even more messurements
Now when the radiatorsupport FINALLY is installed for the last time in the cars lifetime, i moved forward tomaking brackets for the frontmount Mishimoto intercooler. This is the first edition to see how it would fit behind the TypeX bumper.
Unfortunally it didnt fit as the TypeX bumper sits pretty close to the radiatorsupport.
But by making the lower intercooler brackets shorter, it got more angle, and it looks like it would fit if i trimmed the bumper and indicator plastic a bit.
If youre reading this, please give Order42 a follow on facebook and/or instagram. Links below the picture:
We are trying to create cheap and affordable S-chassis t-shirts and hoodies with free worldwide shipping (around 15USD for tshirt and around 30USD for hoodies). But the designs are still in the works - If you have any designs, please message me
Anyway, back to business.
After the intercooler was where we wanted it to be, it was time to drill holes for the intercooler piping. Luckily my eye meassurements were spot on (only had one beer when it happend)
When we are working on my car, we always have fun and play around. Its always better to have some friends who enjoy the same hobbies.
They also started looking at my head and made it ready for some new gaskets and so on...
I had a quick look under the car, and realized that i cant wait until we have the whole underside rustfree and coated. Theres a few spots where we need to weld in some new metal. But overall it looks pretty good for a 30 year old car in a country where we use excessive amounts of salt on the roads in the winter.