Evil Performance R32 GTS-T 300bhp

Glad its sold,

Its a nice enough average spec car, hardly ground breaking or "no expense spared" though

The thing that annoys me greatly is some dumb fuck numpty trying to sound like he's something special when he's not. The cars never been heard of, its nothing special, it hasnt got radical performance and if you added up the pages of magazine articles its had I doubt it would come to 1/10th as many as quite a few of the cars belonging to members here. Its had a map by the smallest and 3rd newest skyline tuner who actually tunes rather than just fits parts from others, its had other work done by a guy whos trying to make himself sound like two other garages who have been around for years previously, and at the end of the day you have been here just a few months and think you're off tha hook, when you're not.

Stick to the facts next time....

Average car
Nice condition
Relatively expensive
Built by no-one in particular
Done nothing special yet
Oh and it really stands out - its black.......woooOOOooooOOOOooooOOOoo !!! :rolleyes:


WTF !!!

You're on the wrong thread my pikey wannabe former toybota driving grubby chum !!! :D :D

And whilst I agree its blah blah, at least none of us advertise this badly - its like you selling the transit of Gamey wonderness as "Mint" !!!

:D :D :D

hahahaha was nice clean car atleast, nothing wow factor, but still more of a machine than i would like to handle, im shit scared of turbos!!! they do funny things!!!
Bladerider said:
And whilst I agree its blah blah, at least none of us advertise this badly - its like you selling the transit of Gamey wonderness as "Mint" !!!


FORD TRANSIT 190 Hi-Cube, LWB, low mileage, MINT condition throughout, fresh MOT by Stevie Wonder Motor Services, some history, full on-board entertainment system included (ie "The Game"), no oil leaks, always run on premium diesel, 3 lovingly careful owners (err me, bladey and bon), never raced, rallied, thrashed or bead-blasted. Maintained regardless of pointlessness, one of the most recognised and feared Transits in the UK. Bargain, £5495.

Buy it Bladey!!
20vWill said:

FORD TRANSIT 190 Hi-Cube, LWB, low mileage, MINT condition throughout, fresh MOT by Stevie Wonder Motor Services, some history, full on-board entertainment system included (ie "The Game"), no oil leaks, always run on premium diesel, 3 lovingly careful owners (err me, bladey and bon), never raced, rallied, thrashed or bead-blasted. Maintained regardless of pointlessness, one of the most recognised and feared Transits in the UK. Bargain, £5495.

Buy it Bladey!!

You forgot the special lightened doors ;)
Bladerider said:
Glad its sold,

Its a nice enough average spec car, hardly ground breaking or "no expense spared" though

The thing that annoys me greatly is some dumb fuck numpty trying to sound like he's something special when he's not. The cars never been heard of, its nothing special, it hasnt got radical performance and if you added up the pages of magazine articles its had I doubt it would come to 1/10th as many as quite a few of the cars belonging to members here. Its had a map by the smallest and 3rd newest skyline tuner who actually tunes rather than just fits parts from others, its had other work done by a guy whos trying to make himself sound like two other garages who have been around for years previously, and at the end of the day you have been here just a few months and think you're off tha hook, when you're not.

Stick to the facts next time....

Average car
Nice condition
Relatively expensive
Built by no-one in particular
Done nothing special yet
Oh and it really stands out - its black.......woooOOOooooOOOOooooOOOoo !!! :rolleyes:



If its that crap why are you posting in this topic... And why was matt bombed with phone calls and emails about the car if its "Average"
Bladerider said:
Glad its sold,

Its a nice enough average spec car, hardly ground breaking or "no expense spared" though

The thing that annoys me greatly is some dumb fuck numpty trying to sound like he's something special when he's not. The cars never been heard of, its nothing special, it hasnt got radical performance and if you added up the pages of magazine articles its had I doubt it would come to 1/10th as many as quite a few of the cars belonging to members here. Its had a map by the smallest and 3rd newest skyline tuner who actually tunes rather than just fits parts from others, its had other work done by a guy whos trying to make himself sound like two other garages who have been around for years previously, and at the end of the day you have been here just a few months and think you're off tha hook, when you're not.

Stick to the facts next time....

Average car
Nice condition
Relatively expensive
Built by no-one in particular
Done nothing special yet
Oh and it really stands out - its black.......woooOOOooooOOOOooooOOOoo !!! :rolleyes:



Oooh....somebody sounds bitter.... :rolleyes:

You know the funny thing mate, i've seen your name on a couple of forums, and of the times of bothered to take notice of the shit you write, it's mostly some pathetic attempt at a putdown.

You see the trouble is, is that when you start calling people "dumbfuck numpty" then people start taking notice. You may think you are all safe and warm behind that keyboard...but don't forget that the people you insult are real at the other end, and one day you might get called out to back up your bullshit.

I couldn't give 2 fucks what you think of the advert, the simple fact is that the car sold and did so very quickly - 20+ enquiries isn't bad by anyones standards, so I must have written something right, eh? As for average car, what the fuck have you done? I think you'll find its one of the cleanest and well looked after R32's in the UK - which i'm sure the new owner will testify to, otherwise he wouldn't have parted with over 5k. Or if you're still in doubt, pop across to The Skyline Owners Club and ask around there. Or maybe Skyline Owners Forum - A Nissan Skyline Enthusiast Community if you prefer? You seem to have enough time on your hands, so go crazy and why not ask around both?! :D

Rising Sun Performance don't seem to be doing to badly either for "the smallest Skyline tuner" ....again, i'll ask you, what have you done? Write crap insults? Check. Sound bitter and hurt for no reason? Check.

PM me if you're still upset about it, but at 33 years old, you really should have better things to do "Bladey".

What have I done ???

If you bothered checking past the fact that Im 33 - and been modifying cars for over 15 years - then you might have found out what Ive done, but I'll let you carry on in your ignorance. The people who matter who may have read this know, and thats all that really counts.

I had intended to post before and thought "No - its a bit childish" but when I looked back the next day I thought "Actually - you should have" purely because of the simple things that I have always banged on about on all the forums I am a member of. You see there is a fundeamental difference between your assumptions and the truth. You assume that I am some internet warrior type, purely because I am happy to speak my mind. You assume a semi threat of "You're safe behind your keyboard until...." means anything to me because I am some pathetic little internet geek who is intimidated by those with firm language or I somehow believe in a culture that respects violence - I am not and dont respect any form of violence. I am simply an observer of events, I try to promote the moral path and believe in the ethos of right and wrong. I dislike people who try to connive and corrupt, or attempt to dazzle with bullshit. I root out the lie in people and belittle them for their deceit. I generally try to do more good than harm and contribute rather than take out of the scene I have been fortunate to be a part of for many many years.

Hence why I said your car was average - as I didnt feel it was exceptional as your advert was trying to imply. Furthermore, myself, a writer for one of the big car mags, and a moderator for this site who was at the birth of Drifting in the UK all said we had never heard of this car, which one of us surely would have if it was so well known and respected, as it is people like us whose respect you would have been covetting !!! Again something I put down as a lie.

And whilst I like Richard and have known him for years before Rising Sun ever existed, feel free to ask him whether I have been unfair in my comments about him or his company. He knows exactly who I am, exactly what I have done and perhaps might enlighten you as to the futility of your current approach of "taking me on" which I can ssure you is pointless as I dont really have anything to prove which making you look like more of a dumbass would achieve.

I am not bitter
I am not upset
I am not jealous

I am 33 years old and still as big a numpty as any of us :D
I am opinionated, but usually for the right reasons
I am a member of both the SOC and GTROC as well as quite a few other forums, all of whom you can ask for a "report" on whether I am a benefit or deficit to their websites
I am more than prepared to say all of these things to your face as I say to anyone who feels I am being unfair - its not as if I can hide !! ;) :D
I do not like flakey ads for nice cars making them out to be more than they are
I am actually glad you sold the car, as it looked nice enough, I just hope the new owner doesnt feel they own "a piece of history" as portrayed in your ad

I am very happy to compare the cars in my garage to the cars in yours and whether they are "worthy" of recognition. Your skyline is definately quicker than half of them :D :D

Oh - and I dont bother with PM's much as I have nothing to hide and am happy to discuss things in public.

Be well,
