How to ruin a 200sx

Serious question though, how much is it worth in bits?

Actually very little when you think about it (talking about the S13).

The majority of the money is going to be in the motor (if it's any good)
You'll get abit from the engine upgrades (if they are there)

Wheels and suspension you're going to have to nearly give away to get rid of it as no-one is buying that sorta stuff.
Interior you might scavenge a few dials, the wheel and seats but none will go for big money

Second hand ICE is worth fuck-all, and no-one is buying it.

The bodyshell and rest of the interior is only good for scrap or skids.

The main problem is the car is absolutely covered in shit that is no longer 'in vogue' so there's not much money in it's parts because no-one is going to buy it.
You'd make twice as much money breaking a normal stage 1, stage 2 car because people are gunna want those bits.
Fuck all. Unless your desperate for dc5 rear lights or a hydraulic kit for an s13 (I reckon that's a slim market) anything worth pinching Nissan related is standard..
I genuinely put consideration into buying it to smash up on video, and hope I'd get enough back from selling the leftover parts.
Maybe we should start a forum 'kill the monstrosity' fund? people can donate random amounts and when we reach the target price driftworks can buy it and kill it in style. That's the kind of thing that could end up going viral in the drift world.
No I think it's a badly fucked about with BN sports inverted hatch, with a wank spoiler stuck on the back and some fake grill type things put in.
The rear lights are Lexus Style DC5

BN Sports Inverted Hatch : 240sx General Discussion

Just think if this had been up for sale at the same time as The fast and the furious was released, it would have sold instantly at the original asking price ! lol