Important Notice...

mittomatto said:
your right, they are SSR, the works dont have the same split rim bolts do they? :smash:

they rock, thanks for the props guys... that blue 14a... omg :cry: :worthy:

They do.

With or without, :wave: :cool:

nope. deffo work miesters. just check them over. the only place that says it is TINY writing on the bolts holding the 3 pcs together. PIMP :thumbs:
mittomatto said:
nope. deffo work miesters. just check them over. the only place that says it is TINY writing on the bolts holding the 3 pcs together. PIMP :thumbs:

so are they works or SSR's??

I mean did you not know what they were :wack:
SuperClarkey said:
They do.

With or without, :wave: :cool:


do you have those in your possension right now? i need two of them :D hahaha

phil... lets not get into an offset war cus then i have to go 11J on the front :wack:
please don't smash them up, as i could do with trying them on the back of my s13 before i order the set. :D Make sure they fit under the 30mm wideness :D

What a rim :D
mittomatto said:
30mm... hahaha, try 50mm!!! :smash:

well i only plan to go for 10.0inch wide rims and strech like a mofo.

But i will most likey ask some of the people in the "know" at the time. whats best :D
sileighty said:
How many of those SSR rim's did u buy of Phil?
"SSR,DORI heaven"

i didnt by any SSR rims :smash: but i did get 4 work rims :D i'll sell you two for 8 million dollars :wack:
Whatever they are there fucking amazing, how much did phil sell them to you for?

"I better start pimping myself, in order to get those alloys", but just wait until you buy your tyres because you'll get royally assraped from wearing them out in a matter of seconds,so good luck with the cost issues mate.

S14 drift slag(hopefully)
its rude to kiss and tell, but... i had to sell a couple of sets of rims, coilovers and various other bits to ge them. they aint cheap... eh phil ;)

tryes... hmmm not too bad, im gonna throw 245s or 255s on em. should be easy enough part worn :D

(YES THATS RIGHT... PART WORNS ON WORK RIMS :smash: (for the benefit of any possible skyline (gtr) or supra esque rice rammers out there)) hahaha
Sell you body

If you did you could have kept your rims plus suspension.............."ANYWAY"
you still got those Three spoke alloys that i saw when you went to Ireland??
Because i've been meaning to get a pair.

S14 drift slag(hopefully)
i have them. but they belong to a friend of mine. jon gtst on this forum. lob him pm and he might sell them to you. nice rims with goodoffsets :D most of the pics of the car its running the fronts on the back, thats why they dont sit flush.

the work rims do tho :wack: :thumbs:
cant wait to see the pics of them on the car :worthy: mmmmm.....

also nice to see others up at this time on christams morning :wack:
hahaha indeedy. my excuse is erm... i just got in or something. they look MENTAL on the back, i tell you that for free!!! :wave:
Just got in? Yeah, whatever. You're just excited about what santa's brought :D

Get some pics up, Mitto :nod: